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Warmly congratulated President Zhu Min-ho young selected countries in 2013 to promote technological
Author:   Time:2018年07月15日 10:16     Hits: 

National College 127 experts,17 teams and 28 bases selected in 2013 Innovative talent promotion plan

Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology announced a plan in 2013 to promote the creative talents shortlist. A total of 127 people of colleges and universities nationwide youth technological innovation leading talent, 28 key areas of innovation teams and 17 innovative training bases model selected for the national program to promote creative talents, accounting for 47.6% of the total, respectively, 41.8% and 44.7%. Ministry of Education and relevant universities will strengthen the follow-up support for selected objects, tracking services and assessment management, selected countries Innovative talent promotion plan and innovative talents demonstration base plan should redouble their efforts to implement the national strategy for innovation-driven development, promote industrial restructuring and upgrading to make new contribution. Our president Zhu Min-hao was selected honorable.

Innovative talent promotion plan is high level talent cultivation plan of national innovation from 2011 began to organize the implementation, composed of young technological innovation, the talent of science and technology innovation, focusing on areas of innovation team, innovative talent training base. It is an important part of "national high-level personnel of special support program" (also known as the " Million plan") .It aims to implement the " The outline of the national long-term talent development planning (2010-2020)", through innovative institutional mechanisms to optimize the policy environment, strengthen security measures, cultivate and foster a number of world-class scientists and high-level leading scientists and engineers, outstanding innovation teams and entrepreneurial talent, building a number of innovative training bases, strengthening high-level innovative talents team building, leading and driving the development of various scientific and technological personnel, providing the personnel to support the ability of independent innovation, builde an innovation oriented country.


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