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"Mechanical properties" smoothly passed the Ministry of Education" National Excellent resource shari
Author:   Time:2018年07月15日 10:16     Hits: 

Under the tireless efforts of school and college leaders at all levels attach great importance to the national quality curriculum "mechanical properties" of the teaching team, former National Excellent Courses "mechanical properties" passed the Ministry of Education, "National Excellent resource sharing lessons" project review , for which the course will be on the platform of the original national quality courses and further sharing of resources into national quality course construction project. Approved the project for my school and college curriculum materials resource sharing, expanding platform of teaching, learning aspects and ways of great significance.

National quality resource sharing programs is an important part of the Ministry of The National Excellent Course Construction Project in The teaching project of National Undergraduate on The Ministry of education quality engineering platform. It aimed at promoting the concept of education and transformation, leading the reform of teaching content and teaching methods promote quality teaching colleges through modern information technology resources sharing,. It will improve the quality of personnel training, service learning society.

"Mechanical properties" is an important basic course of materials and it is also   foundation courses of college of our college of material prepared to enginery and Civil Engineering; Its main purpose is to enable students to fully understand the mechanical properties of structural materials based on master full structural engineering materials bearing performance potential, or the basic methods of innovative structural materials production process improvements. At the same time, it provides the theoretical foundation necessary for the development of new materials and components or component failure analysis. This course is a phenomenon from a variety of service conditions and failure of engineering materials, puting forward the correct criterion for evaluation of material failure.


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